Thursday, November 7, 2013

Twin Day/Ranger Day

                 Kyle and Ashly and their shirts they wore on "Twin Day" leading up to Homecoming.


Sweet husband, Sweet roses!

I got these roses from Chadd for our anniversary.  He sure knows how to keep the flame burning!  Thanks Chadd!!!!

Ferris Wheel

Chris, Ashly, Kyle and I went to Fargo in September for my nieces confirmation, here we are on the big ferris wheel at Scheels.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Chester Ruger

                                               What can I say?  We love our Chester!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy 7th Anniversary!

HAPPY 7TH ANNIVERSARY TO MY WONDERFUL CHADD!!!  I made a lot of mistakes in my past and it wasn't until I met Chadd that I knew what true love was.  It's the best feeling in the world to be loved!
                                          Here's a blast from the past when we were dating.

                            This is the engraved box silver box my engagement ring was in!

                                  Cheers to 7 more years!!!!!!! (and then some)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jumping and Riding

Christopher enjoys the new skate park by our house.  The only problem is that it is always crowded.  We went one morning and lucked out, there were only a few kids on it.  The older boys were nice and let the little kids have a turn that day.  We will have to go back earlier in the morning some time to get more time on it.

                            Chadd's cousin gave us his son's jeep.  Chris rode it nonstop for a few days.

Wyoming Stagecoach Days 2013

 We had a great weekend celebrating Wyoming Stagecoach Days.  It started off with a movie in the park on Friday night.  We watched Wreck It Ralph. 

On Saturday Christopher got blue hair! 

                                                         Jumping in the bouncy houses.

                                                                Riding on the train

                                                                     Art project
                                                                  Daffy and Bugs


 This is the newest member of the Larson clan - Goldie.  It's Christopher's beta fish.  I had a hard and fast rule in my house that no toads, frogs, caterpillars or worms can be indoor pets.  Christopher was struggling with this concept. I asked him if he wanted a pet fish.  He didn't seem that excited about it, but thought I would try it out anyways.   So one day when he was in daycare I bought it.  I surprised him when he got home.  He definitely loves Goldie now!  He likes feeding him.  I think he makes a great addition (and not too much extra work for the mom).

Friday, September 20, 2013

Pre 2

 Chris- er, um - Raphael is now in Pre-2.  That means he will do some preschooling this year at the daycare.  Next year is kindergarten.
 This is the daily chart (although they don't seem to be using it everyday) and Chris was so proud that he got to the dark green that day.  He was jumping up and down when I got there.  No ones made it to the blue or purple yet :)
Cute little picture Chris made at daycare.

Gopher Smopher

Chadd caught a gopher in his trap.  Chadd thought it would be great fun to watch Chester tear into the dead gopher.  Chester was not interested at all.  This is how it went:
                                                      And I quote, "What the hell is that thing?"

                                                        "Hmmmm...I better get a closer look."

                                 "I'm not quite sure?  I don't think I recognize that smell.  Maybe..."

                                 "Let me smell one more time, maybe I just can't place it..."

                                        "Nope.  Nothing.  I have no idea what that thing is."

"I'm tired now.  I'm much more relaxed in the house on the couch, cuddling with mommy.  Not with some weird smelling gopher thingy."  THE END.

Spaghetti and Forts

Chadd taught Chris how to eat spaghetti.  Need I say more?

 We had to purchase a new washer and dryer and the boxes made a fun fort for the day for Christopher AND Chester!!!  Whose the king of this castle???

It's Official!

This is a picture of me being excited because I passed my motorcycle riding test!!!  Yay me!!!!

State Fair 2013

 We went to the state fair this year on a Friday afternoon and it was HOT!!!  We had a great time as always though.  Christopher really enjoyed the rides this year.

Weapons and Mustaches

 I walked into Christopher's room one day and saw this.  It looks pretty serious.  Some sort of attack is underway and the preparations have been made!  Take cover!!!

 This is Christopher's mustaches phase.  I had to be the mom that walked around the mall with the kid in the stroller with a fake mustache.  Imagine the comments.  People feel the need to react.  Guess I can't blame them.

 And then this happened....
 And he had to eat with the mustache, of course....