Friday, September 20, 2013

Gopher Smopher

Chadd caught a gopher in his trap.  Chadd thought it would be great fun to watch Chester tear into the dead gopher.  Chester was not interested at all.  This is how it went:
                                                      And I quote, "What the hell is that thing?"

                                                        "Hmmmm...I better get a closer look."

                                 "I'm not quite sure?  I don't think I recognize that smell.  Maybe..."

                                 "Let me smell one more time, maybe I just can't place it..."

                                        "Nope.  Nothing.  I have no idea what that thing is."

"I'm tired now.  I'm much more relaxed in the house on the couch, cuddling with mommy.  Not with some weird smelling gopher thingy."  THE END.

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